Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Four Years From Now

Entering college, my parents told me, "College is your job. You're there to go to school and make your grades so one day you can be successful.” I thought college was all about partying, having fun, and being who I want to be. Yes, college does include the parties and all the fun, but the most important thing it offers is education. People go to college to become prepared to be specialized in certain fields. They are taught every little detail to what they may come across in later years. At the moment, I am a business management major with a minor in finance. In four years from now, I would like to know that I am capable of doing the work to the best of my ability and one day owning my own.
            The years while in college with are the most important years of a person’s life. It will make or break your life in the long run. People need to realize what they can do and what they cannot do. In my case, I could never be a doctor because I am not smart enough to do so. But at the same time, I know I am smart enough to not be a worker at Burger King or McDonalds. This is where college classes come in handy. The teachers will teach you to the best of their ability just so you can have a better life after college.
            I expect to have learned the ins and outs of being involved in a business. Trying to help with whatever I can for the good of the business. I expect to have learned how to work with others and not just take over and have one word that rules over all. I want to have learned communication skills with every person I end up doing business with. I expect to know what to do when a mistake or error comes up and I have to fix it. I also expect how to manage my own business one day and run it myself. I want to be my own boss. I want people to want to do business with me because of the good work I will do. I also want my family and others to look up to me as a hard working man.
All of these things are possible if you go to school and learn while you are there. Just like Boston Celtics player Kevin Garnett said, “Anything is Possible.” This is something I live by day to day. Deep inside I know I can own my own business, but right now it seems impossible. That’s why I am here at Georgia Southern, to make good grades and one day own my own business.